HIV Prevention for Heterosexuals

Knut M. Wittkowski

Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Eberhard-Karls-University, Tübingen, Germany, and HIV-Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, NYS Psychiatric Institute, New York, USA; aktuelle Adresse : Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

HIV prevention strategies for developing countries and high-risk groups in industrialized countries have been widely discussed. Except for female-controlled methods, which are still being evaluated, appropriate strategies have been agreed upon and are currently been implemented. For heterosexuals in industrialised countries, however, it is not yet known which prevention strategies would be sufficient to keep the number of new infections at a low level. In spite of massive campaigns, condom use is low and alternative strategies needed.

The following list of papers addresses the problem of accessing the risk of heterosexuals becoming infected and the efficacy of different prevention strategies.

(This page is currently under construction. More links and references will be included soon., kmw)

Reporting sexual risk behavior for HIV: a practical risk index and a method for improving risk indices (im Druck / in press)

The efficacy of nonoxynol-9 from an in vivo point of view. AIDS. (im Druck / in press)

The HIV Center at the XI Internat. AIDS Conference :

The potential of nonoxinol 9 for the prevention of HIV infection reconsidered. AIDS 9 :310-311 (with discussion: ELIAS-CJ, HEISE-LL (1995)

The effect of a transient period with high risk contacts on the dynamics of the HIV epidemic IX International Conference on AIDS, Abstract Book, Vol. 2, Yokohama, J, 283 (PC0053)

Spermizide als Mittel zur HIV-Prävention bei Heterosexuellen In: 5. Deutscher AIDS-Kongreß. Abstracts. AIDS-Forschung 9

HIV prevalence among European heterosexuals - Trends and implications for testing and prevention. IX International Conference on AIDS / IV STD World Congress, Abstract Book, Vol. 2 , Berlin, D, 688 (PO-C11-2827)

Preventing the heterosexual spread of AIDS: What is the best advice if compliance is taken into account? AIDS 3

Die Abschätzung der Effektivität von Barriere-Methoden zur HIV-Prophylaxe. (Assessing the effectivity of barrier methods for HIV prevention.) AIDS-Forschung 4 (mit Diskussion

Über die Bedeutung von Detergentien für die HIV-Prophylaxe unter Heterosexuellen. (On the impact of detergents on HIV prevention strategies for heterosexuals.) AIDS-Forschung 3

Other Publications

Other publications on HIV and AIDS , HIV Epidemiology in Germany

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©1996 Knut M. Wittkowski ( Last Updated: 97-02-09 20:37

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